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What is Applied Kinesiology? (AK)

April 7, 2017

Applied Kinesiology (A.K.) is a system using muscle testing as a functional neurological evaluation. The methodology is concerned, primarily, with neuromuscular function as it relates to the structural, chemical and mental physiologic regulatory mechanisms. A.K., which originated within the chiropractic profession, is an approach to clinical practice, with multidisciplinary applications.

Applied Kinesiology can be divided into two distinct parts.
First, it is an aid to diagnosis. Muscle testing is used to help diagnose what is functioning abnormally. This can be a problem with the nervous system, the lymphatic drainage system, the vascular supply to a muscle or organ, a nutritional excess or deficiency, a problem with the cranial-sacral-TMJ mechanism, an imbalance in the acupuncture meridian system, or a host of other problems. Testing individual muscles is an accurate manner for determining what affects the relative strength of the muscle and, when combined with knowledge of the basic mechanical and physiological functioning of the body, this helps to more accurately diagnose the real problem.

Second, is the treatment phase. Dr. Goodheart, and others in the International College of Applied Kinesiology, have adapted different treatment methods for the problems that have been diagnosed. Nutrition, chiropractic manipulation, osteopathic cranial techniques, acupuncture-meridian therapies, myofascial techniques, nervous system coordination procedures, and some of the latest theories in medicine involving control of the vascular and neuronal systems may be employed to balance the malfunction found in the patient. Applied Kinesiology borrows from many different disciplines and, through the use of accurate, scientific muscle testing, in addition to the basic knowledge of the practitioner, helps direct the care to exactly what the patient’s needs are.

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