Today's Working Hours - 8 am - 5 pm



Welcome to our website. As an integrative medical practice, we provide innovative, quality family health care by uniquely combining both conventional and alternative medicine. Our aim is to treat the whole patient not just the symptoms. This “best of both worlds” approach provides patients with options in the management of their concerns while addressing the underlying cause of their illness. And as a primary care practice, we offer treatment for both acute and chronic conditions while emphasizing prevention, education and optimal health.

Eric Ehle, DO



No Smoking

Healthy Eating

Healthy Weight

Daily Exercise

Adequate Sleep


In addition to what you would expect from any family medicine clinic, we utilize many different modalities

in our attempt to improve your quality of health. Here are just a few of the many services we offer.

Integrative Family Medicine

We do our best to blend the latest advances in conventional medicine along with clinically proven alternative therapies.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is a personal, evidence-based approach to healthcare.


Evaluating the impact of your diet is an essential step to achieving your wellness goals.

Weight Loss

Our program is designed for all individuals wanting to optimize health, prevent disease, and lose weight.

Osteopathic Manipulation

OMT is hands-on care that diagnoses, treats, and prevents illness..


Medical acupuncture effectively manages pain, balances energy, and treats a variety of conditions.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

We prescribe BHRT for both men and women in various forms.


In addition to conventional lab tests, we offer many alternative laboratory evaluations.


HeartSmartIMTplus uses ultrasound imaging to measure the Intima Media Thickness...

Breast Thermography

A painless, radiation free, totally non-invasive functional way to assess breast health..

Prolo/PRP Injections

Prolotherapy, PRP, and Stem Cell therapies are non-surgical treatments that stimulate the body’s healing.

Allergy Testing

Our comprehensive allergy program includes skin or blood testing as well as food.



What if I Don’t Particularly ‘Like’ to Exercise?

What if I Don’t Particularly ‘Like’ to Exercise?

We get it! Most of us struggle to make time to really sit down and eat a meal, much less exercise, but we GREATLY underestimate the health promoting power of exercise. While the science has indicated... ...more


June 08, 20246 min read

Our Provider Network | Regeneris Medical

Our Provider Network | Regeneris Medical

We are proud to be a part of the Regeneris Network, and offering cutting edge injection techniques to the panhandle. We are the first and currently only clinic around offering SVF (Adipose (Fat) deriv... ...more


June 07, 20240 min read

Don’t Operate – Regenerate!

Don’t Operate – Regenerate!

Here are some great resources that our regenerative network group (Regeneris) has put out. Check them out! Brochure Guide to PRP SVF Infographic ...more


June 07, 20240 min read


Monday8 am - pm

Tuesday8 am - 5 pm

Wednesday8 am - 5 pm

Thursday8 am - 5 pm

Friday9 am - 1 pm

The office is closed from 12-1 for lunch.

Get In Touch

  • 11 Medical Drive, Amarillo, TX 79106

  • (806) 355-9355

  • (806) 340-7975